Friday, August 1, 2008

Some things are better left unknown

I looked up the fat and sodium content in an East Side Marios garden salad. One small red bowl has 15 grams of fat and 750 mg of sodium. No wonder I always spike up in weight whenever I go there because I usually innocently have 3, 4 or even 5 bowls of their unlimited salad.

Whoa, in 3 bowls is the amount of fat grams for my daily fat consumption. Mind you, I typically watch very carefully my fat intake. I try to get in some good fats like from olive oil.

4 bowls of this salad would put you over the high end of sodium levels for a day for a healthy person...I healthy person should not consume more than 2500 mg of sodium per day and a person with heart concerns has half that limit...they should not exceed 1200 mg daily.

Hmmm. ...why is it that everything delicious has its price, yes even salad!

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