Monday, March 2, 2009

Believe in Yourself

Whether you think you CAN or think you CANT, you are right so from this day on ACT AS IF you are GOING to succeed and YOU WILL!!

Celebrate every success big or small. If you drank one glass of water today and that is more than you have drank in a week, celebrate that success...its inch by inch getting you closer to your goal.

I went onto my Curves complete this morning and planned out my meals to get mostly green lights, a couple yellow...BUT MOSTLY GREEN!

I am soo proud of myself for planning out my meals in advance after going all weekend not really planning. So, good for me,,,Yeah!!! Was I perfect? NO, but I was a little bit better than I was yesterday. Thats worth celebrating.....Spring out the confetti!!!

What can you celebrate today?

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