Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good news, bad news

Good news... is Shoppers Drug Mart has an electrolyte water that has all the benefit that Gatorade has but zero calories. Halleleuia! I have made it my mission today to drink 5 of these bottles for a total of 80 oz. of this special water. Its expensive 4.99 for 6pack but considering the frustration that being forced to drink a Sports drink thats calorie infested and was amounting to close to between 750 to 1000 calories per day. Now, I can drink freely with no worries.

Perhaps, now the games can begin again. Its felt like I have been in a slump forever even though its just been over a week.

I really want to see some progress again in my exciting journey. Everyone is looking for an update and the number is not really changing. I have been up in weight and really want to work out... I am going to attempt a workout tomorrow and see how I feel.

Last workout I did was last Wednesday and it made me soooo...sick.

Bad news is....when I thought the other day that I was over the nausea, I was very wrong...it came back and has been with me ever since.
Please let me wake up tomorrow feeling fantastic!

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