Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More Determined than EVER!

So many people read last week's newspaper article and were worried that it sounded like I have given up on my goal.

It may have sounded like that in the paper, but rest assured I have sooooo NOT GIVEN UP!

Quite the contrary. I have become even more strict on my healthy food choices and even more aggressive in my workouts.

I am down 3 pounds from that newspaper article last week.... Yes, the one that stated that I may not get down to 145 by October 23rd. I may or may not get down to that weight by that date, but for the record I have not given up! I will give it my all from now until then and all I was really trying to say was that due to the fact that I have increased my LEAN MUSCLE MASS and DECREASED MY BODY FAT so much from my strenghth training and cardio workouts at Curves, that I may need to weigh more than I did on my wedding day because I had never heard of Curves back then and I was not as committed to a regular strenghth training workout like Curves.
So, stay with me and lets remain more determined than ever, TOGETHER!
Where there is a will, there is a way...I boy do I have the WILL right now!!

I hope you do too!

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